Wednesday, December 1, 2010

MAJOR scare today :(

I went to the doctor today for my normal routine 13 week was anything but normal....

She went to find the baby's heartbeat on the doppler, but there wasn't a heartbeat....she tried for 30 mins...and still no heartbeat.....I could tell she was freaking out...even though she was trying to hide it...I knew something wasn't right....

She then tells me that I have to go to the hospital to get a emergency ultrasound...So I am looking calm on the outside, but on the inside, I was a wreck!! Thinking the worst....(and to make it even more horrible, it is me and my husbands 4th wedding anniversary, I kept thinking how horrible it would be to learn you lost your baby on your anniversary....omg)

So I get to the hospital, and 45 mins later...I go into soon as she stuck that ultrasound thingy on my belly, I seen my baby kicking away....I have never cried so hard in my life!!! Just to see my baby, happy and healthy in there was the most amazing thing ever!! His/Her heartbeat was 164bpm..I also got some pics :)

There he/she is!!! looking soo incredably GORGEOUS!!

THEN...the doctor preceeds to tell me that I am severely dehydrated and will have to be admitted for 4 bags of fluid....great...This morning sickness is slowly but surely killing me :(

So I am finally back home after over 5 hours...I have to go back Friday for even more fluids...

Please pray for me and my bean....hoping this morning sickness goes away soon....

1 comment:

  1. Wow I'm so glad everything is you stayed so calm is beyond me! You have a very gorgeous bean growing though...I love the pictures :) You both are in my prayers this week.
