Friday, December 17, 2010


Just thought I'd ramble about some stuff the doctor said when I went Wednesday...

I have a anterior placenta...meaning the placenta is on the 'belly' side(front) rather than posterior 'spine side(back)...which makes sense considering, I haven't felt the baby move yet (placenta is acting as a 'buffer or cushion' as the doctor said) so it's absorbing all the kicks and squirms...which also explains why my doctor can never find the baby's heartbeat on a doppler (as all she can hear is the 'swooshing' of the placenta and my heartbeat) which this is all FINE by me, that means I get to have ultrasounds to check if bubbs is okay! :D

Another thing she was talking to me about is the QUAD SCREENING...Which is a blood test they do to see if you are high risk of baby having Down Syndrome or Spinal Bifida(spelling?)..
The test is optional, you don't have to have it done, but it is done at 16-18 wks...

It gives you a 1:750 of having a Down Syndrome baby....just an example..

I personally chose not to have this done, she said there are alot of false positives that come with this test, I don't want to get a false positive and worry and stress out about it..I am going to love my baby regardless of whether it has some kind of defect or chromosonal deformity...

So I chose not to have it done...My husband was very much in agreement with me on this..

She said I should have nothing to worry about, considering I have no family history, or any warning signs with all of the ultrasounds I have had done...(even though this doesn't mean that it WON'T happen)

I'm not to worried about it too much though, like I said, I will love my baby regardless if something is wrong with's my child...LOVE is uncondiotional! 

And I'm going to give the whole story on the 'gender' thing I posted on my 15 weeks post....

I went and had the u/s cause the doctor could not find the heartbeat...
unfortunatley, the baby was laying face down, so we could not get a good profile shot of the baby...while we were patiently waiting on baby to turn over, she scans down to the 'bottom' area....

I hear her go "hmmmm..."  and I said "what do you see?" lol I knew what she was looking at, and I could tell she could see 'something' 

She said" okay, so, hypethetically, if I could tell you the gender, would you want to know..?" 
Of course, I was like "YESSSSS"..haha..

So she continues looking at differnt angles and trying to get a 'good money shot'...when she pauses the screen and shows me the baby's legs, one on each side, then she shows this thing in the middle...she said I'm 95% sure it's a boy...but it is still pretty early, and that 'could' be the umbilical cord stump(where it goes into the belly) and for me not to go buy blue yet...but she is pretty positive that it is a boy...
I agree with her...100%...I think, no, I know it's a boy!!

So we go back January 12th for the final say!! I can't wait!! I'm sooo excited!! :)

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